The function of the Planning Commission is to establish and implement zoning policies and practices that promote the orderly growth and development of the Town of Ridgeland. This body provides the legal and policy framework for both short-term and long-term land use, planning and control systems to guide economic and socially effective use of land within the Town, including review of the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission consists of six (6) members, two (2) of which may reside outside of town limits but must own and operate a business within Town limits. Members are appointed for a four-year term of service by the Town Council.
The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is the body that hears all appeals, or considers matters referred to it by the Zoning Ordinances or pursuant to any other ordinance. The following matters may be appealed to the BZA:
The BZA is composed of five (5) members who are Town residents and are appointed to four-year terms of service by the Town Council. Appeals must be filed within thirty (30) days of the denial of the variance.
The Election Commission is comprised of three (3) members who are Town residents appointed by the Town Council. They are responsible for conducting and supervising all elections of the Town of Ridgeland.
The Accommodations Tax Committee is comprised of seven (7) members who are appointed by the Town Council. These members must either own or operate a business in town, or be employed by a hospitality or lodging industry within Town limits. The committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Town Council on distributing the Town’s portion of the 2% State Accommodations Tax applied to all accommodations statewide. These dollars are distributed back to towns and counties by a formula based on point of sale. The monies distributed must be used to „promote tourism and enlarge its economic benefits and services which enhance the ability of the Town to attract and provide for tourists“ beyond those services normally provided by the Town. The Town accepts ATAX Grant Applications in August of each year based upon qualifyhing criteria.