All Outstanding Warrants:
Duane Hamilton - 11/28/1984 - 2 Counts of Carjacking, Kidnapping, Possession of a Weapon during the Commission of a Violent Crime
John Lee Patterson, Jr. - 12/06/1978 - Driving under Suspension, Failure to Stop for a Blue Light
Miguel Burbano - 09/28/1984 - Domestic Violence 2nd Degree
Joquan Mikell Bolden - 03/28/1998 - Charged with Kidnapping and Domestic Violence of a High and Aggravated Nature
Daniel Antonio Barnwell - 01/27/2003 - 3 counts of Breaking into a Motor Vehicle, 3 counts of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
Ethan Tyre Lynell Washington - 11/21/2003 - Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
Torrell Kemp - 11/15/1985 - Failure to stop for blue lights ; Speeding ; DUS ; Uninsured Motor Vehicle
Shania Tremese Douglas - 02/14/1999 - Failure to Stop for Bluelight, Resisting Arrest
Thomas Leroy McDonald - 11/11/1979 - Assault and Battery, 3rd Degree
Ramon Enrique Medina - 5/30/1996 - Domestic Violence
Beaver Patrick - 10/28/1979 - Breaking into Motor Vehicle, Receiving Stolen Goods
Lee Garvin - 12/20/1966 - Shoplifting
Angela Brazil - 7/30/1990 - Shoplifting
Colin Shipsey - 07/27/1995 - Trespassing
Joshua Henson - 04/02/2001 - Shoplifting
Dalton Arnold - 01/10/2000 - Breach of trust with fraudulent intent
Garrison Turner - 10/26/1984 - Possession of Cocaine
Rashaun Snell - 12/05/1991 - Larceny / Malicious Damage to Property
Calmontei Dessasure - 08/30/1999 - Assault and Battery 3rd Degree
Anthony Zinnerman - 2/14/1968 - Breach of trust with fraudulant intent
Justino Cordova-Moreno - 03/30/1981 - Criminal Sexual Conduct with a minor
Kiyan Marcess Johnson - 08/05/1996 -
Jamee Mack - 4/18/2000 - Assault and Battery 3rd Degree
Christopher Hilderbran - 02/01/1987 - Shoplifting
Ni'Dreona Johnson - 2/20/2006 - Forgery less than $10,000
Herbin Martinez - 12/2/1979 - Domestic Violence 3rd Degree
April Hall - 9/13/1978 - False Info to Police
Ervin Beanum - 7/15/1986 - False Info to Police
Generia Heyward - 2/5/1995 - Financial Transaction Card Fraud
Tibias Alston - 9/13/2000 - Armed Robbery
Donna Taylor - 2/27/1955 - Shoplifting
Edward Dwayne Garvin - 08/14/1963 - Shoplifting
Javin Garcia - 02/24/1988 - Malicious Damage To Property
Antionette Lewis - 03/19/1981 - Assault and Battery, 3rd Degree, Malicious Injury to Animals
Marco Roque Vera - 10/18/1996 - Possession of Schedule I Narcotics
Kentrell Wesley - 2/10/1988 - Petit Larceny
Tarosa Brown - unknown - Petit Larceny
Sidney Creighton Ford, Jr. - 11/30/1998 - Petit Larceny, Hit and Run
Thomas Fletcher - 10/10/1964 - Forgery
Catrina Mitchell - 12/3/1975 - Shoplifting
Darnell Fair - 9/10/1986 - Assault and battery with intent to kill, malicious injury to personal property
David Madison Freeman - 03/13/1983 - Grand Larceny
Sidney Ford - 11/30/1998 - Domestic Violence 3rd Degree
Larry Sullivan, Jr. - 3/3/1974 - Possession with intent to distribute cocaine
Albert Gerald Heyward - 10/09/1993 - Assault and Battery, 1st degree and pointing and Presenting a Firearm
Travis Washington - 3/18/1973 - Petit Larceny
James Howard - 12/28/1981 - Assault and Battery of a police officer
Kevon Williams - 3/14/1996 - Leaving the scene of an accident, driving under suspension
Ryan Zander Warner - 04/24/2002 - Larceny of Dogs
Mark Solmen - 12/8/1957 - Grand Larceny, Burglary 3rd
Poncie Capers - 3/6/1963 - Reckless driving, Driving under suspension, Failure to return license plate, Operating uninsured vehicle, Open container
Alonza Phoenix - 12/9/1973 - Grand Larceny
Sammy Freeman - 2/7/1969 - Resisting arrest
Alicia Marie Cronch - 09/08/1996 - Breach of Trust
James Matthew Dara - 07/12/1990 - Forgery, Grand Larceny
Alamian Abdul Scott - 06/06/1974 - Allowing Operation of Uninsured Vehicle
Alvin Devon Fields - 08/19/1985 - Domestic Violence, 3rd Degree
Aubrey Washington - 08/05/1999 - Breaking into Motor Vehicle
Brock Wright - 7/17/1977 - Speeding, giving false information to law enforcement, simple possession of marijuana, open container, driving under suspension
Carmen Idalia Rodriguez - 10/17/1984 - Theft of Electric Current, Altering Utilty Meters
Charles Cooler - 6/30/1952 - Shoplifting
Charlie Walker - unknown - Breach of trust
Christopher Bowers - 4/20/1986 - Forgery
Christopher Clemons - 7/4/1991 - Armed Robbery
Christopher Malphrus - 9/26/1974 - Receiving stolen goods
Corey Bolden - 10/25/1969 - Armed Robbery
Dana Diane Deloach - 10/08/1968 - Shoplifting
Darrell Kaufman - 10/1/1942 - Assault and Battery, 3rd degree
David Leslie Williams - 06/29/1987 - Assault and Battery, 3rd Degree
Demetrius Minis - unknown - Simple assault and battery
Deshone O'Neal Allen - 11/05/1982 - Domestic Violence, 1st Degree, Assault and Battery, 3rd Degree and Burglary, 1st Degree
Devin Simmons - 10/12/1986 - Forgery
Destiny Sariyah Day - 04/26/1998 - Petit Larceny
Earl Fields, Jr. - 08/29/1986 - Speeding, Driving under Suspension, Open Container
Eddie Cumming - 2/24/1942 - Petit Larceny
Edward Dwayne Garvin - 08/14/1963 - Shoplifting/Enhanced
Enrique Gomez - 07/26/1985 - Domestic Violence, 2nd Degree
Flora Wilson - 6/10/1974 - Simple assault and battery
Gena Small - 3/12/1972 - Conspiracy
Gloria Ferguson - 2/5/1954 - Attempting to furnish contraband to a county prisoner
Guadalupe Gildo - 5/30/1966 - Assault and battery with intent to kill
Harold Lewis - 1/4/1964 - Petit Larceny
Henry Samuels, IV - 12/01/1981 - Petit Larceny
Jaime Bennett - unknown - Assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature
James Ben Washington - 01/29/2001 - Petit Larceny
James Leonard Williams - 03/13/1988 - Domestic Violence, 3rd Degree, Malicious Injury to Property
James Mellott - 5/2/1985 - Burglary second degree
Jessica Nettles - 12/7/1981 - Breach of trust with fradulent intent
Jessica Odom - 8/26/1988 - Breach of trust with fradulent intent
Jose Anzorez - 4/10/1987 - Shoplifting
Joto Henriquez - 2/10/1987 - Forgery
Julie Hayward - 7/11/1962 - Forgery
Kelcin Lavar Anderson - 05/23/1983 - Malicious Injury to Property
Keon Natia Spann - 07/03/1995 - Petit Larceny
Kiawanna Mosley - unknown - Simple assault and battery
Kyle Riley - 6/10/1999 - Operating unregistered vehicle, operating an uninsured vehicle, Driving under suspension and resisting arrest.
Kylen Xavier Pinckney - 12/26/1993 - Grand Larceny
Latausha McKinney - 5/7/1975 - Breach of trust with fradulent intent
Leroy Dadson, IV - 4/12/1989 - Forgery
Lohretta Smith - 5/13/1948 - Forgery
Lyric Natique Bryan - 12/05/1994 - Misconduct in office, Furnishing Contraband
Mathew Rivers - 9/28/1971 - Failure to stop for blue light, driving under suspension
Michael Breland - 06/23/1995 - Petit Lareny
Michael Layton - 1/22/1979 - Simple possession of marijuana
Mitchell Allen Bridgers - 06/07/1996 - Breach of Trust with Fraudulent Intent, more than $2,000 less than $10,000
Protona Johnson - 8/25/1972 - Forgery
Rebecca Lee - 9/10/1982 - Breach of trust with fradulent intent
Reginald Hudson - 8/4/1963 - Assault and Battery First Degree
Reginald Smith - 3/21/1962 - Forgery, receiving stolen goods
Richard Cave - unknown - Unlawful transport of alcohol to person under 21
Ricky Gaston - 5/26/1962 - Burglary, Second Degree
Robert Fletcher - 5/19/1959 - Grand Larceny
Ronald Fuentes - 1/19/1988 - Criminal sexual conduct with a minor
Ronald Ruff - 6/15/1955 - Bigamy
Roy Maynard - 1/10/1968 - Forgery
Ruben Andres Mendoza - 09/29/1998 - Assault and Battery, 3rd Degree
Santonio Scot-Brown - 1/27/1991 - Assault and Battery 1st degree
Saul Hernandez - 11/25/1982 - Petit Larceny
Sharhonda Petway - 12/14/1977 - Breach of trust with fradulent intent, Forgery
Shawn Knox - 8/21/1980 - Escape from jail
Shawn Wallen - unknown - Damaging a motor vehicle
Shelby Marie Davis - 11/18/1994 - Driving under Suspension, Unlawful Carrying of Handgun
Tamieka Bethea - 11/22/1976 - Breach of Trust
Talaya Dasani Johnson - 08/20/2002 - Malicious Injury to Real Property
Terence Campbell - 7/27/1976 - Grand Larceny
Tifany Shantell Orr Riley - 01/09/1990 - Open Conatiner, Giving False Information
Timmy Devall - unknown - Receiving stolen property
T'Keyah Nicole Taylor - 07/21/1994 - Petit Larceny
Tyquasia Lee - 08/01/2001 - Assault and Battery 3rd Degree
Tyrone Gardner - 7/7/1994 - Forgery
Victoria Hernandez - 12/17/1966 - Forgery
Victoria Powell - 06/04/1987 - Domestic Violence, 3rd Degree
Wayne Slaughter - 6/17/1954 - use of vehicle without permission
Wendy Reed - 10/12/1979 - Obtaing property under false pretenses
Willie Bynes - 10/29/1984 - Forgery