The purpose of the Building Division is to receive applications, review construction documents, and issue permits for the erection, alteration, demolition, and moving of buildings and structures. It is the responsibility of the Building Division to inspect and enforce the provisions of the International Building Code. The intent of the Town of Ridgeland Building Division is to ensure safety, health, and general welfare to the citizens of the Town of Ridgeland through structural strength, means of egress, stability, sanitation, adequate light, ventilation, energy conservation, and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to building throughout the Town. For building permits, please click the Planning, Building, and Appeals On-Line Forms tab above. The Town of Ridgeland now provides the preferred option to apply for permits online.
The Town of Ridgeland takes a priority in regards to Code Enforcement. Code Enforcement addresses a wide range of issues that affect our environment, health, safety, property values and general well-being. The Town feels that Code Enforcement are the initial steps in forming high quality of life standards, and a sense of place for our residents and visitors. Code enforcement and improvement are recognized by government leaders and community members as necessary to halt or reverse the deterioration of our surroundings.
Enforcement of all the Town of Ridgeland Codes and Ordinances, including the International Property Maintenance Code, begins with a written Official Notice of Violation via certified mail provided to the owner, owner’s authorized agent, occupant or responsible party. The notice shall (depending on the violation) contain a deadline for compliance. If the violation continues past the deadline, the Community Development Representative may issue a citation or take such other legal action authorized under state law and Town Ordinances.
The department depends on community involvement and input for enforcing the Ordinances.To report a possible Zoning Code violation, please contact the Planning and Community Development Department at (843) 726-7516.