Planning and Community Development

Planning Commission

If a meeting is called, the Planning Commission meets on the Second Monday of every month @ 5:30 PM. Deadlines for submittals are two weeks prior to the meeting date.

It is the function and duty of the local planning commission when created by an ordinance passed by the municipal council or the county council, or both, to undertake a continuing planning program for the physical, social, and economic growth, development, and redevelopment of the area within its jurisdiction. The plans and programs must be designed to promote public health, safety, morals, convenience, prosperity, or the general welfare as well as the efficiency and economy of its area of jurisdiction. Specific planning elements must be based upon careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of existing conditions and probable future development and include recommended means of implementation


Frankie Denmark (Chairman)

Scott May

Ralph Rodina

Linda Tenerowicz

Joss Mohr

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